Bookings available for Christmas and New Year!

Phone: 027 682 1000

Get in touch

Give us a call, or a bark, or a woof! We’d love to hear from you. 

Paws Wellbeing Centre

Call or email Jan Rose on
027 682 1000

645 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton
(Down the driveway next to the Waitomo Service Station)

{{errors.first('rs-fa45-8a14-b414', 'rs-fa45-48dc-94e1')}}
{{errors.first('rs-fa45-8a14-73a9', 'rs-fa45-48dc-94e1')}}
{{errors.first('rs-fa45-8a14-2c90', 'rs-fa45-48dc-94e1')}}

Message Sent - we'll be in touch soon!

Paws At Home - Waikato

Call or email Mark or Marie on
027 682 1000 /

645 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton
(Down the driveway next to the new Waitomo Service Station)

{{errors.first('rs-fa45-e2e6-dd32', 'rs-fa45-aa8f-c99c')}}
{{errors.first('rs-fa45-e2e6-e36c', 'rs-fa45-aa8f-c99c')}}
{{errors.first('rs-fa45-e2e6-ce21', 'rs-fa45-aa8f-c99c')}}

Message Sent. Thanks for contacting Paws At Home. We'll be in touch soon!

Paws in the Country - North Waikato

Call or email Jody on
027 442 9954

{{errors.first('rs-fa45-c6c8-406c', 'rs-fa45-5ef2-7b13')}}
{{errors.first('rs-fa45-c6c8-a453', 'rs-fa45-5ef2-7b13')}}
{{errors.first('rs-fa45-c6c8-aa7e', 'rs-fa45-5ef2-7b13')}}

Your message has been sent. We will be in touch shortly.

Paws At Home - Taranaki

Call or email Katie Hannam on
0211 353 328

{{errors.first('rs-fa45-efa3-f207', 'rs-fa45-1ddd-12af')}}
{{errors.first('rs-fa45-efa3-4a22', 'rs-fa45-1ddd-12af')}}
{{errors.first('rs-fa45-efa3-08be', 'rs-fa45-1ddd-12af')}}

Message Sent. Thank you! We'll be in touch soon.


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